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Monday, October 11, 2010


iLearners Played in ABS-CBN Cebu's Kapamilya Mas Winner Ka! 3rd Year Anniversary Special

Joining in a game can be fun sometimes, but in a TV game show? Well, it's a mix of fun & embarassment in my part. I didn't mean to say that in a negative way. LoL. 'Cos honestly speaking  this is my first time to be on a TV show.

Last Friday, October 8 of 2010, me and my friends in iLearners Inc. joined ABS-CBN's drive for a cause. To think, this time, we are not just playing for ourselves. We are playing for a cause and that what makes us so enthusiastic in joining the game. This is for a Watershed construction Project  (if i heard it right) of a certain area here in Cebu. All cash prizes to be won by the contestants will be collected by the management and will be used for the said project.

ABS-CBN invited a few of us from iLearners Inc. to play for this cause. Our organization has been very active in the past supporting other organizations or companies with their activities. Our organization's main role is to eliminate considerable percentage of illiteracy in the country, one at a time. We currently supports schools here in Cebu and assisting students to attain quality basic education. Going back, there are about 20 of us iLearners who joined the taping of Kapamilya Mas Winner Ka! at Ayala Cebu's Activity Center last Friday. Most of us just got off from work since majority of us are working in a night shift.

 Preparing the set

Kat Ross of KMWK posing with our iLearners

 Jundee, one of our players

Briefing started at around 7:30AM and ended at exactly 10:00AM. Followed by the shoot or the taping proper, it was so tiresome to keep on standing all throughout the duration of the taping. My feet grew tired really, standing there for several hours. If i'm not mistaken, the taping lasted for about three hours. We culminated at around 1am. Followed by a 'late' lunch. LoL.

Well, let me tell you what happened during the game. From 40 of us, we were cut half to 20 players for the Money Pakyawan Round. We were divided into 4 teams, yellow, red, blue and green. Each team is a mix group comprising mostly of members from iLearners. the rest from ROTARACT Cebu and from other universities here in Cebu, distributed randomly. The Money Pakyawan Round ended with the Yellow Team proclaimed as the winner. Our fellow iLearners, Reyn Gocotano, Jessica Cornelia, Mary Angeli Bas, Luke Mark Quirao, and one student comprises the winning team.

Reyn Gocotano of iLearners deeply thinking of a strategy to win

From five remaining players, it went down to two who will be competing for the jackpot round. They were actually asked series of questions, and eventually it came down to two players left standing, Reyn Gocotano; iLearners' BPO Ambassador and Mary Angeli Bas; iLearners' Public Relations Officer.

Jessica, iLearners Ambassador for Convergys assisted by ABSCBN's crew

The last round is another match of Q&As. It was a tough fight between the two 'beauties' with oustanding brain power. Alas! Finally, the winner was revealed in the person of our young student and member, iLearner Mary Angeli Bas. She will be joining the monthly finals, taping will be held on ABS-CBN KMWK Studio in Jagobiao, Mandaue City on october 23, 2010. 

Shake, Doyzkie, Popoi, and Faith watching our representatives play.

This taping will be aired on October 23, 2010. So please stay tuned. I'm inviting everyone to watch how we showed our energy during the taping. All out whackiness!!! *winks*

Congratulations and Kudos not only for the winners of each round, but to those who participated for this cause. May you all be blessed by the Almighty!


Special Thanks to the following:
Yumi and friends from USJR for playing in behalf of iLearners Inc.
Gary Montejo for scouting for additional players in our behalf
Players from Convergys Cebu and Stream Cebu.
iLearners Inc. Officers and Board-of-Trustees for participation and the support.


shezALLthatGhorL said...

Good write-up. Haha. I had fun reading this one and good photos too.

Drake Danaviir L. Cataluña said...

Thank you so snowdoll487 for dropping by. Yeah most of the photos above were just taken using my phone. Nevertheless, it didn't stop me blogging about the event, cos I just feel like I should. Hehehe.

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