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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Forget Work and Enjoy at Villa Teresita Resort in Talisay City

From Left to Right: me (Danaviir Drake), Dave, Lydj, my sister Florida, and Rey (Rainjan)

It's been a long time now since I was able  to chill and unwind. De-stressing myself from accumulated toxins of each busy day seems too good to be true.  Such in my case, as a young professional, blogger and an active volunteer in humanitarian and charitable works, it is very hard to manage my own clock. Yes, time management has been a challenge for me this year. I never ran out of events or activities that I  actively organized myself or I'm indirectly involved with each week. I planned that, alas, before November I should give myself a little treat. Finally, that very moment came to reality on Sunday of October 24th, when I finally took a break from work and non-stop activities that keep on making me so preoccupied for the past few months. But I couldn't really take a trip several miles out of Cebu City and do some overnight escapade because I can only spend a day to 'de-stress' and alas, needs to get back to finish some reports and projects. So I decided to scout for a refreshing place an hour far from Cebu with the help of my friends who wanted to join and relax as well, they're my Yoga buddies actually.

Finally! After hopping from option A to option B and so on,  we agreed to spend a day at Villa Teresita Resort located in Biasong, Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines. I've heard this name several times from my colleagues at work and some other friends but, oh yeah I'm such a loser 'cos I think I'm the only one who's never been there after all. *lols* This resort, which i strongly believe, is one of the resorts that a young professional just like me can visit on a weekly basis to free ourselves from the stressful life of the city.
Moving forward, together with my sister Florida and my Yoga buddies, Rey, Lydj, and Rey, we all decided to meet somewhere near Metro Gaisano in Colon, Cebu then rode a cab going to South Bus Terminal where cheap and affordable kinds of transportation going to Talisay City are a lot. The travel took less than an hour, not to mention that we were supposed to drop off in Tabunok Market to buy some food but since most of us fell asleep during the ride, we ended up somewhere past our destination. It was such a beautiful and hilarious experience. Hehehe.

We arrived at around 7:45AM and yeah, it's so early in the morning and we thought that we were the first one to be enjoying the splash of their waters. But to my dismay, there were few folks swimming already. We paid the entrance fee of Php90 per person and the cottage that we took was the cheapest one but the location is good and can accomodate around 9 individuals for the price of Php250.

The resort has 3 pools, 2 will be seen near the reception or way past the entrance. First pool, which looks like a mini-competition pool has its waters at plain 4ft maximum depth all over. The other one on the right side has one side 6ft deep and slowly moving to an 8ft depth as you move along to the other side. The third pool is, I think, the highlight and the pride of Villa Teresita Resort. It's located way over at the back of their dormitories and is fronting the sea. It's a really big pool, but I haven't got a clue with regards to its dimension though. There's a fountain at the center, and a huge sliding tower at one side. The sliding tower is as tall as a 4-story building I assume. But  this pool needs everyone to be on their swimsuit and swimming trunks. So strict huh? LoL xD~ They wont be allowing you to get inside if you're on shorts or something. Hehe.

We took our lunch at around 1PM. We just bought some food outside of the resort since we were not able to go to Tabunok Market. We stayed there for several hours and alternately went swimming and munching some snacks all throughout. We went home around 2PM. I had some great fun with these guys I just met from the Yoga Center here in Cebu and the best thing is, finally I was able to give myself some little treat. Next time I'm planning to spend an overnight stay on a remote unpopular beach in the South of Cebu and make it like a camping session with friends. So stay tuned for my next exciting adventure! See yah!


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