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Monday, September 27, 2010


Alay Lakad 2010 For A Cause with Cebu's Convergys Social Welfare Club

Hi! This is Drake once again. Looking back, it's been a long long time ago since I had my last Alay Lakad moments. Yeah, and that's epic. LoL. I never really thought that such activity like this usually has its purpose. I just recently recognized the hard work of the organizers by bringing a sense of mission for such an activity. Like for instance, I just recently participated in the Alay Lakad 2010 which was organized by Cebu Educational Development Foundation for Information Technology (CEDF-IT) early in the morning of September 26, 2010. The objective of this walk for a cause is to raise resources to fund high school education, College Scholarships, Skills Training and Livelihood Training. The activity required a very minimal contribution (Php5) from each participant but the combined funds that have been collected will bring a big difference for the beneficiaries of the cause.

With my Convergys Cebu family, we wholeheartedly participated in this endeavor. Instilling in our minds the value that is emphasized by the company and that we all commonly shared. As a big private company here in Cebu, we understand and value Corporate Citizenship. We want to extend to the society the things that we could do to help improve the community that we belong. I am greatly thanking the officers of the Convergys Cebu Social Welfare Club for organizing this walk and letting our Convergys Cebu employee join the trail of people walking for the same cause. Thank you for the participation guys.

Convergys Cebu Social Welfare Club is open for memberships to all employees of Convergys sites Asiatown i2 & i3, and Banawa.

For inquiries, please refer to the following persons:


Daryl Drake Cataluna (Asiatown i2) - Club President
Oscar Ted Avanzado (Asiatown i3) - Vice-President
Dolor Bisuela (Asiatown i2) - Secretary
Sharon Grace Ong (Asiatown i3) - Treasurer

Jogen Sable (Asiatown i2) - Comcast
Neil Garet    (Asiatown i3)- Comcast       
Lizza Marie Tan    (Asiatown i3) - CITI        
Mae Odessa Solamo (Asiatown i3) - GMACi       
Michelle Alicia Yu (Asiatown i2) - Microsoft & Windows 7   
Jessica Cornelia (Asiatown i3) - CITI        
Ann Beleta (Asiatown i2) - TWC        
Felice Emily Manapsal (Asiatown i2) - Resource Units


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